Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Farming Medals

    Everyone wants to know how to find Medals and have no idea to get them. If you did anything close to what I did, you will know that every post has different information. You are probably thinking you want to medal farm quickly. This is futile. Unless you are botting 24/7, you will never truly be able to get to your ranking quickly (exluding money spenders).
    For a rose medal, I have tried countless ways, and the way I found most effective was 400 scouts against a level 1 valley. Archers probably work as well, but scouts just go quicker making it possible to send more attacks per hour and better results.(Works for cross and maby a lion every so often)
    Lion and honor can be found in level 1 and 2 NPC's. Send a clearing wave of 1500 warriors for a level one and 2500 warriors for level 2. Then every 6 minutes send a wave of 1000-2000 warriors. ( Use camp time and send continuously for about 5 ways, you can do more or less.(I have gotten up to 3 honor medals in a attack like this.) *NOTE DON'T DO FOR LEVEL  NPCS, THEY HAVE AT AND TAKE QUITE A FEW MORE WARRIORS THAN THE OTHERS* (Lions and wisdom have been effective in these attacks too)
   For Justice Freedom and Nation, Hit a 10 like a normal farming wave, and then send waves of 15-50k archers every 6 minutes, do as long as you like. I have seen people do it all day and get around 30 justice.
    Thats my medal guide. Let me know if this helps and remember, visit daily. :)

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