Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Prestige Farming

First off many people hate Prestige farmers and I highly recommend not doing it.

Option 1 (don't Recommend) L1 Townhall , Attack NPC 10’s with normal waves but use a 300 or higher atk hero.. you will get considerable losses but gain about 300k pres (You have 0 techs.. ppl can just come wipe you.

Option 2 L2 Townhall (Purpose of this u get normal losses and Gain 15-22k pres per hit  (Have Full techs. so your able to totaly defend urself

Option 3 NEW .  Have a 1300 pol hero or greater. Build DT’s then take them down and Rebuild (Usualy with a L2 or L3 TH .. L2 will give u about 450k pres per and a L3 lil over 300k per (You cant build DT’s with a L1 if so it would be like 1mill each time.   (Pretty cheap.. but only works for high end hero players  ( now another benefit to this is.. You can make 1 abatis.. with no hero .. then Put ur pol in to make 10999 Trebs.. then swich heroes.. then put in a hero you want to level..then you take out the abatis.. then rinse and repeat  you get 1m Experienace for this. Its prob one of the fastest way’s to level a hero.. but costly and usualy needs to be in endgame (wich for the top player , Seems to be like 1-2mo’s in ) But ur hero gets a lil over 1m Experience each time.

MECH Waves

Mainly Ballista or Pults ** THEIRS MUST BE TABS aka Range Settlers or THEY DIE!!

These are just brutal.. Not as overal effective as a RAM SLAM , but Alot easier to get off.

1k Of Every Troop type then Fill in with either Ballista or Pults (Great WAY to Honor DUMP and do Massive damage ) ** These attacks are like Scouts. they almost never win , but its a clear victory. Usa a Hero from 100-200 and any higher u will just do more dmg but @ the risk of losing a good hero.. Alot of Non Vets Make this mistake or people who havent lossed a decent hero this way.

Pults only do 30% more damage and take 30% more time to get their (Dont Recomend Pults as the main force unless ur hero is SICK and u have Massive amounts of RES to replentish quickly

IF this attack is headed YOUR WAY... Then you Either close gates teleport or You make DAMN sure their are 0 TAB’s aka RANGE Settler’s , They will then just kill AT’s.

Ram Slams

Make sure their are 0 TAB’s aka Range Settlers!!!!

1k Work 1k Warr 1k Scout 1k Pike 1k Sword 1k Arch 1k Cav 1k phract 1k Transp 91k or 116k RAMS ( 2x Destructive than Phracts )

Or 1k of each even Pults and 90k Ram or 115k Ram (Absolute Best Attack if their is 0 TAB’s aka Range Settlers (Even the largest players in the game.. cant stop these..#1 Guy usualy can take 4-7 of these. and its a Wrap)

If this attack is comming @ you.. Make sure you have TAB’s aka Rangesettlers or Close Gates / Teleport Or like 2million + Warrior/Sword/Archers and like 30-100k Pults.

Archer Rainbows

1k Warr-Phract if you want to clear more Layering overall and if you want to speed it along.. 1k Pike - Phract and then fill in with Archers. Most common attack wave, and works in most circumstances. Can be used from taking down AT to taking out layers to just hitting other people with archers.

Pike Bomb

Ok This is mainly to kill Cav / Phract of apposing city. You Use 1000 Archers and 99000 Pike , Now if they have Under 100k Cav/phract total , then use less Pike and Add more Layering and Archers to also do dmg to their Layering.

Now if you have Pike Bomb headed ur way.. Remove ur horses or close Gates  :P

Scout Bombs

Scout Bombs are mainly Used to kill RANGE like Archers or if MECH outweighs everything else.

You ATTACK not SCOUT (You Always lose the battle so u risk losing the hero , I recomend using only a 100-200 Atk hero max NEVER UR #1 or NPC10 Heroes!!

Preventing Scout Bombs = Closed Gates or Gates Open and Have more Value of Warriors 400%  / Sword  35% than any other troop

Usualy Used For Honor Dumping = Giving the other person honor so they have horrible heals and lowering ur honor so you have better heals (Idealy When ur about to attack with any wave u want max heals from i.e like Archer or Cav phract.. Ballista Ram.. ect.

Defense , their your first line and most important line of defense.. If the person cant see. Most likely their not going to attack , I recomend 200-500k per city. if ur not attacked often u can get away with 100k Per city.

Phract Smacks

Phract Smacks = Used when their are 0 TAB’s Aka Range Settlers!

Ok so.. :) TABS = Trebuchet Abatis Traps

1k Scouts 1k Cav 123k or 98k Phract (Mainly used to kill a decent to high Volume of Layering and/or Medium amount of Range in a Quick Blow

1k Scout 1k Cav 1k Arch 122k or 97k Phract (To take out a heavy amount of Layering and/or high volume of Range

1k Scout 1k Cav 1k Arch 1 Ballista 119,999 or 96,999 Phract (To take out a Extreme amount of Layering and/or Heavy Amount of Archers

1k Scout 1k Cav 1k Arch 1 Ball 1 Pult 119,998 or 96,998 Phract ( Maximises a Phract Smack Period )

Cav Bombs

TABS = Trebuchets Traps or Abatis       RI = Reinforced     AT = Archer Towers

Ok so these waves are used for new Reinforced archers and or scouts. There can be no TABS! Or else you will do no damage and just lose those troops. So sending 1k scouts 99k cavs is the fastest one but can only take out small amounts of newly RI archers or scouts (around 100-150k)

For under 200k archers and small layering 1k scouts 1k archers and 98k cavs is used. There can also be no TABS. Again with TABS your troops will die with doing little to no damage.

For 201k-400k archers use 1k scouts 1k archers 1 ballista and 97999 cavs. No TABS again or your troops will die.

If you are trying to take down AT, 5k scouts and 120k cavs gets the job done. It will still work with TABS, but you will suffer way more losses than you would without too many losses.

Another way to take down AT when there are no defending troops inside (gates closed) is 4k scouts 1k archers 120k cavs. It is much slower but takes 0 cav losses if there are no TABS.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fast Hero Leveling

This can be used by coiners towards the beginning of the server, or non coiners around a month to 2 months into the server. To start you will need a 10 field and a hero of 150+ attack and another with 100+ attack. These will be the heroes you will be leveling. Archery should be level 10, otherwise very little chance at success. Other techs such as Military Tradition and Medicine don't exactly matter on the level, but the higher the level the less losses you will take. With all techs level 10 you should take around 4-5k losses So lets begin! You should have 300k archers minimum; the more you have, the faster you can level your heroes. So, first wave should be 96k archers 4k scouts with your main hero (150+). At the same NPC, send your farming hero with your secondary hero with a full farm wave to take all the resources. So now you are leveling 2 heroes on the same npc without waiting for them to fully regenerate. So make sure to heal once your waves hit. The first wave should return rather quickly allowing you to resend it at another 10 NPC. So now your leveling you hero twice as fast and yet still getting the resources because of your second wave!

There is a second option to this which requires level 10 logistics. So what you need for this option is only 1 hero with 150+ attack and a 10 field. You will also need 250k+ archers for this method to actually level your hero more than just a few levels. Select 1-3 of the closet NPCS, depending on the amount of archers you have (the more archers you have, the more npcs you can hit). So send 96k archers 4k scouts at the closest npc. In this method you don't send the second wave like you did in the first method, but instead send this wave hourly. You can hit multiple npcs like this while rebuilding your archers in order to keep doing this for an extended period of time.