This can be used by coiners towards the beginning of the server, or non coiners around a month to 2 months into the server. To start you will need a 10 field and a hero of 150+ attack and another with 100+ attack. These will be the heroes you will be leveling. Archery should be level 10, otherwise very little chance at success. Other techs such as Military Tradition and Medicine don't exactly matter on the level, but the higher the level the less losses you will take. With all techs level 10 you should take around 4-5k losses So lets begin! You should have 300k archers minimum; the more you have, the faster you can level your heroes. So, first wave should be 96k archers 4k scouts with your main hero (150+). At the same NPC, send your farming hero with your secondary hero with a full farm wave to take all the resources. So now you are leveling 2 heroes on the same npc without waiting for them to fully regenerate. So make sure to heal once your waves hit. The first wave should return rather quickly allowing you to resend it at another 10 NPC. So now your leveling you hero twice as fast and yet still getting the resources because of your second wave!
There is a second option to this which requires level 10 logistics. So what you need for this option is only 1 hero with 150+ attack and a 10 field. You will also need 250k+ archers for this method to actually level your hero more than just a few levels. Select 1-3 of the closet NPCS, depending on the amount of archers you have (the more archers you have, the more npcs you can hit). So send 96k archers 4k scouts at the closest npc. In this method you don't send the second wave like you did in the first method, but instead send this wave hourly. You can hit multiple npcs like this while rebuilding your archers in order to keep doing this for an extended period of time.
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